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Team Vanna

6 Essential Steps to Transfer Jobs Internally

As an employee of a firm, you might consider leaving your job for various reasons. Maybe you are relocating or just not satisfied with your current responsibilities. Maybe you see a different long-term path or perhaps it’s time for a new challenge. Whatever the reason, it’s always worth...

Team Vanna

Hong Kong's Top Internships 2020🔍

If you are looking to enrich your resume with an internship this year, check out these opportunities in Hong Kong! These days, even a spot in an internship programme is not easy to come by. So get interview-ready by looking at company profiles and listening to employees' insider'...

Team Vanna

Cool Perks that You NEED to Hear About

A recent study [] showed that for 60% of us, perks and benefits are a major factor in considering whether we would accept an offer or not. What's more surprising is that 80% of us would actually prefer improved benefits over just a...

Team Vanna

Why Data Skills Are Important For Digital Marketers

What are the essentials for a digital marketing specialist? This article profiles 10 useful online tools varying from workflow management, design, social media posting and more. Save your time and work smarter! 1. Trello — Multi-board workflows How to systematically manage tons of projects with your team? Create boards and organize...

Why Data Skills Are Important For Digital Marketers

As a marketer, you may not be a data analyst or data scientist but to succeed, you need to develop a strong affinity with data. That’s because successful marketing depends on data as light bulbs depend on electricity. In recent times, data analysis has become an essential part of...

Team Vanna

4 Ways to Sustain that ‘First Day at Work’ Motivation

Recall our first day of work: trembling yet mostly thrilled, trying our very best to impress and pursue an error free performance. Unfortunately, as soon as the job honeymoon is over, boredom seeps in and mistakes follow. We are more prone to making mistakes when our attention slips. To save...

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