哈佛商業評論最近文章指出,數碼轉型(Digital Transformation)的過程裏「人才比科技重要」;從企業的角度看,培訓具備適應力、Data Mindset 的人是對往後科技發展和業務擴張是一種長線投資。
不少從事 Digital Marketing 工作的朋友會善用工餘自我增值,除了多留意市場動向、閱讀商業評論文章外,還可抽時間完成網上課程,自學新 skillset。
無論你是否「Tech底」,以下 5個 Digital Maketing 課程都可能適合你! (Udemy 課程不時進行減價,定期查看心水課程隨時有意外收穫:)
回帶:Digital Marketing種類五花八門,諗清楚做邊樣
1. Google Ads 認證考試攻略
眾所週知,考這個牌的作用是令你的上司、同行甚至未來僱主 — 知道你懂操作 Google Ads。除了 Google 自身 Skillshop 課程外,你亦可以走捷徑報讀網上雞精課程。
(溫馨提示:課程材料為英文,假若你選擇以中文考 Google Ads 認證可直接跳下一點)
Google AdWords Certification - Become Certified & Earn More!
Course Highlight:
- Become Google Ads Certified within days not months!
- Pass the official certification exam first time (200+ sample questions & more!)
- Get hired by promoting your Google Ads certification in 5 ways
2. IG 經營大法
今季 KPI 要 followers 破萬?怎樣分析自身和其他 competitors 的 IG page 表現?此課程還包含 content creation 教學,值得一看!
Instagram Marketing 2020: Hashtags, Live, Stories, Ads & more
Course Highlight:
- Design a cost & time effective content strategy that works for long term growth
- Use and operate analytics tools like Iconosquare & HypeAuditor
- Identify strong performing posts that complement their content strategy and re-gram them
3. (Startup / SME請入) 點玩 FB Page?
利用 Facebook 行銷可說是易學難精,面對官方不斷更新演算法、社群規則等,怎樣才能更精準觸及 target audience 和增加 engagement rate?
Certified Facebook Marketing 2020 (Complete Masterclass)
Course Highlight:
- Identify and Reach Your Target Customers through Facebook
- Find, Create and Post Engaging Facebook Content
- Top 7 Tips and Tricks for Growing and Selling through the Facebook Platform
4. Marketing Analysis 不求人
所謂「睇住條數做人」,如何辨識哪些數據是 key metrics?網上有什麼 analytic tools 能將數據視覺化?
Marketing Analytics: Stand Out by Becoming an Analytics Pro!
Course Highlight:
- Know how to ask the right questions from your data
- Analyze a company's PPC marketing campaign using key metrics
- Build a dynamic dashboard to summarize your analysis
5. ClickBank 賺錢新手教學
隨著 Affiliate Marketing(聯盟行銷) 漸趨盛行,越來越多公司透過促銷商品來賺佣金。
ClickBank 是一個在歐美國家很受歡迎的聯盟行銷平台,近年有更多亞洲商家使用,究竟如何利用這些平台獲得更多利潤?
ClickBank Success – Affiliate Marketing Without A Website
Course Highlight:
- Know how to ask the right questions from your data
- Analyze a company's PPC marketing campaign using key metrics
- Build a dynamic dashboard to summarize your analysis