Sophia Wong

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Sophia Wong

5 Ways To Fight Off Monday Blues

11:16 a.m... According to research [] , this is the time when we crack our first smile in office on a Monday. Do you often feel anxious, depressed, tired, or even hopeless, when you return to work on Monday? You may be having...

Sophia Wong

Hong Kong Pay Scale 2020: 8 Major Industries

Am I underpaid? What should I put for expected salary? Is the offer I'm getting on par with, or better than, the industry standard? As inflation is predicted to fall, the salary increase for Hong Kong employees in 2020 is expected to be 1.4% from salary trends...

Sophia Wong

How to Choose Between 2 Job Offers

What is better than getting an offer? The answer is of course getting two offers! This is the moment when the bargaining power is back to your side. However, there are many factors that you should consider before making the final choice. How should you do it? Here are FIVE...

Sophia Wong

Five Important Things to Include in Your Resignation Letter

There should be no worries or questions if you are writing a resignation letter for the first time. The thought of mentioning your new job or your grievances about your boss in the resignation letter is unnecessary. You may try to look at it as a record to protect your...

Sophia Wong

How to write that Perfect Thank-you Note

All applicants know to prepare well for an interview, but only the good ones know to send a thank-you notes afterwards. While some may argue that a thank-you note is a waste of time, others agree that a well-written, personalised post-interview email shows that you’re a sincere candidate. When...

Sophia Wong

How To Gracefully Quit Your New Job

It’s an unfortunate reality, that after your onboarding you find the job just isn’t what you expected... So, what are your options? How do you handle this in the right way? First and foremost, keep calm and stay professional. Think Things Over (Again!) Not feeling comfortable in your...

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