Am I underpaid? What should I put for expected salary? Is the offer I'm getting on par with, or better than, the industry standard?

As inflation is predicted to fall, the salary increase for Hong Kong employees in 2020 is expected to be 1.4% from salary trends survey by ECA International. Hong Kong's salary increment ranked 34th amongst 68 surveyed countries and cities, putting us behind Thailand (4.1%), South Korea (3.6%) and China (3.6%).

To give you an idea of how much you should be getting paid in 2020, we’ve taken a look at 2020 salary guide recently released by a recruitment consulting firm. Here is the salary range for the 8 major industries in Hong Kong.

1. Information Technology


>> Latest Jobs in Information Technology

2. Marketing


Marketing pay trends based on seniority

>> Latest Jobs in Marketing

3. PR / Communications / Events


PR pay trends based on seniority

>> Latest Jobs in Information Technology

4. Sales


Sales pay trends if you have worked in sales for over 3 years

>> Latest Jobs in Sales

5. Accounting


>> Latest Jobs in Accounting

6. Compliance


Compliance pay trends based on seniority

>> Latest Jobs in Compliance

7. Financial Services


>> Latest Jobs in Financial Services

8. Supply Chain


>> Latest Jobs in Supply Chain


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