What is better than getting an offer? The answer is of course getting two offers! This is the moment when the bargaining power is back to your side. However, there are many factors that you should consider before making the final choice. How should you do it? Here are FIVE things to do before accepting a job offer:
1. Making the right choices
All jobs are not alike. Make a list of the differences between the two job offers before weighing up which one to accept. Below are some of things you should consider:
- Job duties and your interests
- Company culture
- Compatibility with your personality and capability
- Work environment, including your boss and colleagues
- Alignment between the company’s values and your own values
- Remuneration
- Future career prospects
- Working hours and work/life balance
- Commuting time
There is no formula to get you the right answer but researching the respective companies will help. Below, we set out some specific advice on company culture and salary considerations to help with your assessment.
If you still can’t figure it out, you may want to think about what you DON’T want to do. By the process of elimination, you will end up choosing the company that you are most happy working for.
2. Culture test
The company culture is important as you will spend 1/3 of your day in those offices. Carry out some more research on: The type of people who work there? Will the employers invest time in your personal development? Is it an open and warm working environment?
You can ask the recruiter to organise a call or meeting with the head of your new team and see what they have planned for you. You will get good insights about your future employer from these types of conversations. You can also check out their culture and benefits on sites like [vanna.com]
Follow your gut - pick the employer that you are most comfortable with and one where you will be most happy.
3. Money matters but more is not always better
No doubt salary will be factor but it should not be your first priority. Most graduate schemes will have a similar starting salary, give or take a few thousand dollars. If for some reason, one place is offering a much lower salary, see whether there are other financial benefits being offered. A better pension or more in work allowances or higher bonuses. Are they going to pay for a professional qualification? All of these issues matter as it might mean that you are able to earn more in the long run. So do some research and see an employee of that organization gets to after the first two or three years.
4. Timely choices
Don’t be afraid to ask for more time to consider your choices. Be truthful and tell them that you two offers on the table and you are considering which job to accept. Perhaps this will incentivise one or both companies to improve their offer or give you good reasons for why you should join their place. Remember, you’ve got through the interviews and are a successful candidate.
But don’t take too many liberties. They want to fill the vacancy as soon as possible and you should not delay unnecessarily leaving either company in the lurch.
5. Saying no nicely
Once you’ve made your choice, don’t forget to tell the other company of your choice politely. Be honest and it should stand you in good stead with the employer you have turned down in case you want to apply for roles at that place in future. See【How to Graciously Decline a Job Offer Without Burning Bridges】for further tips. Well done for getting this far. Don’t get too stressed about the choices – it is a good headache to have!